What we do.
Our goal at the Orange County Dream Center is to support the local community and the County of Orange through each one of our programs. We seek to build relationships and trust in families and individuals who have experienced brokenness or are lacking hope, to bring them to a place of stability and ultimately lead them to a place of wholeness.
We do this through a layered approach, involving consistency, trust, and a demonstration of Jesus’ deep and encompassing love through meeting practical needs of the community. Our goal is not to just fix the temporary issues, but to make a lasting impact through a long-term, positive influence. Take a look at our programs to see how we are growing this influence in our community!
Our Programs
Adopt-a Block
The Adopt-a-Block program is an outreach that demonstrates Godʼs unconditional love to the Orange County community through practical acts of service.
Go Kids
A high-energy atmosphere at a designated location within an Adopt-a-Block site for children and youth where they participate in games and activities, learn life lessons, eat snacks and build relationships.
Dream Closet
Clothing and food donations from the surrounding community are filtered through our Dream Closet and then distributed each month to our families in need. We have experienced that when we meet the physical needs of people, they are open and willing to allow us to meet the deeper needs that they might have. And this is the start of developing long term relationships with people.
Identified Youth
Our brand-new arts program. Every Tuesday we teach at risk kids all forms of art and creative expressions.