OC Kids


OC Kids

Our OC Kids program is our interactive piece for children within our Adopt A Block events. We create activities and games that coincide with the relational components of Adopt A Block, so that we can be positive role models in the lives of our youth.

Here at the Orange County Dream Center, we recognize the power of influence. It is for this reason that we strive to 'leave our mark' for the better in each child that we meet on any given Saturday. We know our society is often saturated with negativity that can leave lasting impressions on our youth, so we are always in search of passionate, godly mentors.

If you can smile, laugh, play games, and have fun, then OC Kids is for you! We would love to plug you in and have you become a consistent role model in someone's life. Join us for our next Adopt A Block to volunteer with our OC Kids program.