Adopt-A-Block Costa Mesa
November 19th 2022
Volunteer Information
Volunteer Check in time: 11:00am
Location: 1646 Corsica Pl, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Canopies, Gift Packing and Tables setup: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Adopt-a-Block open: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Food tables, Toy tables, Clean Teams and neighborhood gift drop offs
Adopt-a-block closes and teardown: 1pm - 1:30pm
Volunteer Area Overview:
Food Tables
This area facilitates the distribution of canned and fresh food items to those arriving at the park.
Volunteers help hand out bags to “shoppers” and restock tables once items run low.
Toy Tables
This area facilitates the distribution of toys to those arriving at the park.
Volunteers help hand out toys to children and restock tables once toys run low.
Clean Teams
This team during Adopt-a-Block cleans, cleans, and cleans.
Volunteers must bring gloves and some good old fashion elbow grease.
Trash bags will be provided as the team eradicates all trash in the park.
neighborhood gift drop
During Adopt-a-Block this team goes into the surrounding neighborhood and drops of Thanksgiving gifts to families in need.
Walking shoes will be recommended for this team.
For more information please call: 714.318.1020
Volunteer Registration